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PXD029582 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleMetaproteomics reveals enzymatic strategies deployed by anaerobic microbiomes to maintain lignocellulose deconstruction at high solids
DescriptionMetaproteomics reveals enzymatic strategies deployed by anaerobic microbiomes to maintain lignocellulose deconstruction at high solids
ReviewLevelNon peer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterPayal Chirania
SpeciesList scientific name: microbiome; scientific name: Panicum virgatum; common name: switchgrass; NCBI TaxID: 38727;
ModificationListL-methionine sulfoxide; S-carboxamidomethyl-L-cysteine
InstrumentQ Exactive Plus
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02021-11-04 21:21:29ID requested
12022-06-02 07:20:18announced
Publication List
no publication
Keyword List
submitter keyword: lignocellulose, anaerobic microbiome, high solids, thermophillic, metaproteomics
Contact List
Robert L. Hettich
contact affiliationOak Ridge National Laboratory
contact emailhettichrl@ornl.gov
lab head
Richard J. Giannone
contact affiliationOak Ridge National Laboratory
contact emailgiannonerj@ornl.gov
lab head
Payal Chirania
contact affiliationORNL/UTK
contact emailpchirani@vols.utk.edu
dataset submitter
Full Dataset Link List
MassIVE dataset URI
Dataset FTP location
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