Update publication information. Triphenylphosphonium (TPP) ylides, known as Wittig reagents, are one of the most commonly used tools in synthetic chemistry. Despite their considerable versatility, Wittig reagents have not yet been explored for their utility in biological applications. Here, we introduce a new chemoselective ligation reaction that harnesses the reactivity of Wittig reagents and the unique chemical properties of sulfenic acid, a pivotal post-translational cysteine modification in redox biology. The reaction, which generates a covalent bond between the ylide nucleophilic α-carbon and electrophilic γ-sulfur is highly selective, rapid, and affords robust labeling under a range of biocompatible reaction conditions, including in living cells. We highlight the broad utility of this conjugation method to enable site-specific proteome-wide stoichiometry analysis of S-sulfenylation, visualize redox-dependent changes in mitochondrial cysteine oxidation, and redox-triggered TPP generation for controlled delivery of small molecules to mitochondria.