Mucus has an important protective function and forms a barrier that minimizes the bacterial contact with the colonic epithelium. It is organized as a complex network with several specific proteins of which most are still poorly understood. Abundant proteins in intestinal mucus, in addition to the mucin MUC2, are CLCA1 and FCGBP. FCGBP is expressed in all intestinal goblet cells and secreted into the mucus. It is comprised of repeated von Willebrand Factor D (vWD) domain assemblies, of which most have a GDPH amino acid sequence. This sequence can be autocatalytically cleaved, as previously found in MUC2 and MUC5AC. We show that all vWD with a GDPH sequence are cleaved, and that these cleavages occur early during biosynthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum. All cleaved fragments remained connected by a disulfide bond within each vWD domain. The cleavage can generate a C-terminal reactive Asp-anhydride that could react with other molecules, such as MUC2, but this was not observed. Quantitative analyses by mass spectrometry showed that, in chaotropic solutions, FCGBP was mainly soluble whereas MUC2 was insoluble, and most of the secreted FCGBP was not covalently bound to MUC2. As its name indicates, FCGBP has been suggested to bind IgG, something that was not possible to reproduce in vitro using purified proteins. The function of FCGBP is still unknown, but our results suggest that the Asp-anhydrides do not contribute to covalent crosslinking in the mucin framework nor does FCGBP incorporate IgG in mucus.