In this work, a total of eight proteins have been identified (six specific to the human proteome and two specific to the soybean proteome) that are supported by literature to be involved in human health, specifically related to immunological and neurological pathways. Our approach involved the use of the Protein-protein Interaction Prediction Engine (PIPE4) algorithm which was specifically developed for complex inter- and cross-species prediction schemas to generate the comprehensive interactome between H. sapiens and G. max. A literature-curated list of human proteins known to be associated with the Human Allergy Response and a second literature-curated list of soybean proteins known to be associated with Soybean Allergens were used to identify candidate proteins whose interactions may be consequential to human health. This study, beyond generating the most comprehensive human-soybean interactome to date, elucidated a soybean seed interactome and identified several proteins putatively consequential to human health.