In non-homologous end joining repair of DNA double strand breaks, DNA dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and Ku70/80 binds the free DNA ends forming the holoenzyme DNA-PK. DNA-PK synapses across the break to tether the broken ends in the initial long range synaptic complex. We generated an integrative structural model of DNA-PK synapsis at a precision of 13.5Å with crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) restraints. While our hydrogen deuterium exchange (HX) analysis revealed an allosteric axis in DNA-PK connecting DNA binding (including the plug domain) to the kinase domain. Our model presents a symmetrical synapsis primarily through head to head interactions and protection of the DNA by previously uncharacterized a plug domain. The offset of the DNA in our model allows access to downstream processing enzymes, while the combination of DNA binding and kinase loading creates a tensed state that could have roles in the re-arrangement/dissociation of DNA-PKcs as the repair process progresses.