Updated project metadata. Signaling through the insulin receptor governs central physiological functions related to cell growth and metabolism. Here we show by tandem native protein complex purification approach and super-resolution STED microscopy that insulin receptor activity requires association with the fundamental structural module in muscle, the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC), and the desmosomal component plakoglobin (g-catenin). The integrity of this high-molecular-mass assembly renders skeletal muscle susceptibility to insulin because DGC-insulin receptor dissociation by plakoglobin downregulation reduced insulin signaling and caused atrophy. Furthermore, low insulin receptor activity in muscles from transgenic or fasted mice decreased plakoglobin-DGC-insulin receptor content on the plasma membrane, but not when plakoglobin was overexpressed. By masking b-dystroglycan LIR domains, plakoglobin prevents autophagic clearance of plakoglobin-DGC-insulin receptor co-assemblies and maintains their function. Our findings establish DGC as a signaling hub, and provide a possible mechanism for the insulin resistance in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and for the cardiomyopathies seen with plakoglobin mutations.