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PXD014895 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleCharacterization of the CORVET complexes of Tetrahymena thermophila
DescriptionIn endolysosomal networks, two hetero-hexameric tethers called HOPS and CORVET are found widely throughout eukaryotes. The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila is a unicellular organism with elaborate endolysosomal pathways. Curiously, Tetrahymena and related protozoa have lost HOPS. Tetrahymena encodes multiple paralogs of most CORVET subunits, assembled into six distinct hexameric complexes, including a distinct Vps8 subunit. Here we analyze the composition of these complexes immunoisolated by affinity capture using the Vps8-FLAG paralogs as bait.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterMartin Zoltner
SpeciesList scientific name: Tetrahymena thermophila CU428; NCBI TaxID: 452467;
ModificationListiodoacetamide derivatized residue
InstrumentLTQ Orbitrap Velos
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02019-08-02 07:45:51ID requested
12019-12-19 07:06:49announced
22024-10-22 04:57:57announced2024-10-22: Updated project metadata.
Publication List
Dataset with its publication pending
Keyword List
submitter keyword: endolysosomal tethers, CORVET, Tetrahymena thermophila, ciliata
Contact List
Martin Zoltner
contact affiliationDrug Discovery and Evaluation Unit, Center for Research of Pathogenicity and Virulence of Parasites, BIOCEV, Charles University in Prague
contact emailzoltnerm@natur.cuni.cz
lab head
Martin Zoltner
contact affiliationDivision of Biological Chemistry & Drug Discovery School of Life Sciences University of Dundee Dundee DD1 5EH
contact emailm.zoltner@dundee.ac.uk
dataset submitter
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