Extracellular vesicles (EV) convey biological messages through their cargoes. Herein we focus on monocyte/platelet aggregates characteristic of several cardiovascular diseases with an analysis of monocyte-derived EV (mEVs) effects on the atherosclerotic plaque. Monocyte preparations were stimulated with TNF-α in presence or absence of prostacyclin and EVs isolated via centrifugation. EV physical characteristics were determined by Nanoparticle Tracking analysis while surface profile was analysed using imaging flow cytometry. Atherosclerotic plaques from 5 patients undergoing endarterectomy were cultured with or without mEVs. Cytokines and proteins released in the culture media were measured by multiplex ELISA and mass spectrometry. Proteomic of mEVs prepared in different incubation settings was also conducted. Monocyte isolation yielded ~80% platelet-monocyte aggregates. TNF-α stimulation produced CD14+ EVs as well as a subset bearing the CD41 marker for platelets (CD14+/CD41+). Prostacyclin addition did not modulate monocyte/platelet aggregates, but impacted on mEV numbers. Addition of TNF-α mEVs on atherosclerotic plaque fragments impacted on general protein release (19 upregulated and 7 downregulated) and elevated cytokine release. mEVs generated by TNF-α and prostacyclin produced minimal changes on plaque reactivity. Proteomic analysis of mEVs revealed a distinctive composition when the cell preparation was activated with TNF-α alone or with prostacyclin. In conclusion, mEVs activate the atherosclerotic plaque. Attenuating platelet activation has an effect on EV composition with downstream modulation of their pro-inflammatory actions. EV heterogeneity reflects the mode of activation of the cell of origin and may differently contribute to the development and progression of atherosclerosis.