Updated project metadata. In this study, we performed two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (2D-LC-MS/MS) to characterize the global transcriptome and proteome changes in Tbx18-iPMs compared to control, GFP-overexpressing neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs). 67% of protein abundances changed significantly (4,475 of 6,661 proteins; p<0.05) at a false discovery rate of 1.6%. Downregulation was broad among metabolic pathways, such as TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Ion channels associated with ventricular excitation-contraction coupling (sodium, calcium, and potassium channels, Connexin 43, among others) were likewise downregulated. Pacemaker phenotype was characterized by upregulation of the pacemaker current channel (HCN4) but also mechnosensitive Piezo1, Trp channels Trpp2 (PKD2) and TrpM7, and Connexin45. Consistent with emergent pacemaker morphology, there was broad upregulation of cytoskeletal proteins and their small GTPase regulators. Extracellular matrix and growth factor/cytokine/interferon genes were also dynamically upregulated, indicating that Tbx18-iPMs are primed for sinoatrial node integration.