Upon activation, platelets release a multitude of soluble and vesicular signals, collectively termed the ‘platelet releasate’ (PR). This PR plays an important role in haemostasis, wound healing and the inflammatory response. We and others have used qualitative/quantitative proteomic approaches to characterise the PR; however, with reports of marked inter-individual variability, confident and reliable insights have been hindered. Here we aimed to provide a reproducible and quantifiable proteomic analysis and establish a 'core' human PR, as well as to assess its variability in healthy human pregnancy where increased platelet activation is observed. 896 proteins from thrombin-induced PRs were quantified across 32healthy donors, with 277 proteins forming a ‘core’ PR with low variability. All 277 core PR proteins were identified in pregnancy. Furthermore 69 proteins were found differentially released from platelets in healthy human pregnancy. In summary, the PR comprises a ‘core’ set of proteins between healthy individuals. This dynamic proteome significantly changes in physiologic and pathologic conditions. Thus, the PR is a barcode for the health status of an individual at a given time.