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PXD008469 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleThe chloroplast outer and inner envelope membrane translocase (TOC/TIC) interaction network identifies a 23 kDa glycine-rich protein as new subunit of the 1-MDa TIC complex
DescriptionThe protein import machinery is essential for chloroplast biogenesis, but knowledge on its exact functioning and the subunits involved in protein translocation is incomplete. Using TAP-tagged Toc159, we reproducibly identified a translocase interaction network that comprises in addition to known TOC members, the 1-MDa TIC complex, six FtsH/FtsHi proteases, Tic110, the KOC1 kinase and several other proteins, some of which with unknown function. The analysis of sub-complexes constituting the Toc159 interaction network in wildtype and a mutant defective in the 1-MDa TIC complex (tic56-3) revealed that the TOC and FtsH/FtsHi complex(es) accumulate independently of the TIC complex as do most other proteins in the network. An exception is a glycine-rich protein of 23 kDa that co-migrates with the 1-MDa complex and is co-regulated with its subunits in tic56-3. This protein was tentatively designated as Tic23. Tic23 abundance is significantly decreased in tic20-I mutant plants and the protein is completely absent from tic56-1 and Spectinomycin-treated wildtype plants lacking Tic214, suggesting a mutual dependency between its accumulation and intactness of the 1-MDa complex. Likewise, tic23-I mutants expressing reduced levels of Tic23 are pale-green and accumulate significantly decreased amounts of Tic20-I. Similar to tic56-3 plastids, the in vitro protein import capacity of tic23-I mutants is not affected. Taken together our results identify Tic23 as an additional component of the 1-MDa TIC complex that is required for complex stability and assembly while it serves complex-mediated functions other than protein import.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterSacha Baginsky
SpeciesList scientific name: Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress); NCBI TaxID: 3702;
ModificationListmonohydroxylated residue; iodoacetamide derivatized residue
InstrumentSynapt MS
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02017-12-15 05:19:18ID requested
12019-02-22 12:44:48announced
22019-03-20 06:46:49announcedUpdated publication reference for PubMed record(s): 30865669.
Publication List
Sch, ä, fer P, Helm S, K, ö, hler D, Agne B, Baginsky S, Consequences of impaired 1-MDa TIC complex assembly for the abundance and composition of chloroplast high-molecular mass protein complexes. PLoS One, 14(3):e0213364(2019) [pubmed]
Keyword List
curator keyword: Biological
submitter keyword: Arabidopsis thaliana, TIC
Contact List
Sacha Baginsky
contact affiliationInstitute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Weinbergweg 22, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany
contact emailsacha.baginsky@biochemtech.uni-halle.de
lab head
Sacha Baginsky
contact affiliationInstitut fuer Biochemie und Biotechnologie
contact emailpflanzen@biochemtech.uni-halle.de
dataset submitter
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