Interaction partners to a small part of the Maurer's clefts protein MSRP6 termed 'cd' were identified using BioID. The cd part recruits MSRP6 to the Maurer's clefts. To find the interactors of cd in isolation from MSRP6, this region was appended together with BirA* (for BioID) to a truncated version of REX3 to traffic it to the host cell (construct REX3trunc-3cd-BirA*-GFP). This construct is found at the Maurer's clefts by virtue of the cd domain. To obtain a BioID proteome specific for cd, two control constructs were generated. First, REX3trunc-BirA*-GFP without cd (freely soluble in the host cell providing a host cytosolic proteome) and STEVOR1-260-BirA*-GFP (as a control for general Maurer's clefts proteins proving a Maurer’s Cleft proteome). Quantitative mass spectrometry was then used to identify candidates for cd-specific MSRP6 interaction partners compared to general Maurer's clefts proteins and exported proteins not localizing at the Maurer's clefts.