Here, we present a simple and robust N-linked glycoproteome enrichment protocol optimized for deep coverage of the plasma membrane proteome. The procedure was applied to characterize the cell surface proteome of 15 standard laboratory human cell lines and three primary cell types. We observed significant differences in receptor diversity and transporter abundances between primary cells and corresponding cell lines. Relative quantification using isobaric mass tagging enabled quantitative monitoring of dynamic processes on the cell surface in multiplexed experiments. We for the first time report a comprehensive analysis of the profound remodeling of the plasma membrane proteome during monocyte to macrophage differentiation of THP-1 cells. Treatment of these cells with the kinase inhibitor dasatinib (Sprycel) during differentiation severely compromised macrophage differentiation due to an off-target activity resulting in substantial morphological and functional changes and the loss of many macrophage-associated proteins.