The Chinese giant salamander (CGS, Andrias davidianus) is the largest and longest-lived amphibian. Global and quantitative proteome analysis of multiple tissues would indicate tissue-specific mechanisms and investigate the function of each protein from a whole-organism perspective. Herein, this study performed proteome analysis of eleven tissues collected from adult female CGS using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) coupled with LC-MS/MS methods. Based on the predicted protein database from CGS transcriptome database previously obtained, we identified a total of 4607 proteins with quantitative information. Among them, 2153 proteins were shared by two iTRAQ 8-plex experiments with liver as common sample, and these proteins were used for subsequent analysis. Our data will be useful for future research into this large-genome species, as well as for vertebrate-wide comparative genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic studies.