Appreciating the pseudohypoxic signalling in ccRCC cells we decided to look into the effects of an established hypoxia-related enzyme, namely PHD3, in ccRCC development. Interestingly, these cells express PHD3 in unusually high amounts, a phenomena yet unexplained. We were interested in determining how ccRCC cells expressing elevated levels of PHD3 would respond to its knockdown. It has been shown that PHD3 has many other functions in addition to its given role as regulating HIF-1 by targeting it for proteosomal degradation. Motivated by these varied roles of PHD3 we decided to look for indications of a systemic-level changes that might be governed by PHD3 in ccRCC. To this end we chose a discovery proteomics –approach to see how ccRCC cells would respond on proteome level to PHD3 depletion.