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PXD005285 is an original dataset announced via ProteomeXchange.

Dataset Summary
TitleSMAD2/3 interactome in human pluripotent stem cells
DescriptionThis experiment was designed to determine the interactome of SMAD2/3 in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). hPSCs were cultured in standard pluripotency-promoting conditions, or induced to differentiate towards the definitive endoderm lineage for 36h. Endogenous SMAD2/3 was immunoprecipitated from nuclear extracts in these two conditions using a specific antibody. Non-immune IgG immunoprecipitations were performed as negative controls. Three biological replicates per conditions were analyzed by quantitative label-free mass spectrometry.
ReviewLevelPeer-reviewed dataset
DatasetOriginOriginal dataset
RepositorySupportUnsupported dataset by repository
PrimarySubmitterAlessandro Bertero
SpeciesList scientific name: Homo sapiens (Human); NCBI TaxID: 9606;
ModificationListiodoacetamide derivatized residue
InstrumentQ Exactive
Dataset History
RevisionDatetimeStatusChangeLog Entry
02016-11-07 09:23:07ID requested
12018-01-04 02:28:20announced
22019-02-12 08:11:54announcedUpdated publication reference for PubMed record(s): 29489750.
Publication List
Bertero A, Brown S, Madrigal P, Osnato A, Ortmann D, Yiangou L, Kadiwala J, Hubner NC, de Los Mozos IR, Sad, é, e C, Lenaerts AS, Nakanoh S, Grandy R, Farnell E, Ule J, Stunnenberg HG, Mendjan S, Vallier L, A mRNA methylation in pluripotency. Nature, 555(7695):256-259(2018) [pubmed]
Keyword List
curator keyword: Biological, Biomedical
submitter keyword: SMAD2/3, human pluripotent stem cells
Contact List
Ludovic Vallier
contact affiliationWellcome Trust - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Anne McLaren Laboratory and Department of Surgery, University of Cambridge, UK. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton UK.
contact emaillv225@cam.ac.uk
lab head
Alessandro Bertero
contact affiliationUniversity of Washington
contact emailabertero@uw.edu
dataset submitter
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