Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the leading cause of inherited form of mental retardation and autism, is caused by the transcriptional silencing of fmr1 encoding the protein of FMRP. FMRP, acting as an RNA binding protein, FMRP is a wide expressed protein, but primarily in the brain and testis and can regulate approximately 4% of transcripts. Macroorchidism is one of the common symptoms observed both in the FXS people and mice. Thus, we analyzed the protein profiles of cerebral cortex, hippocampus and testis from both the fmr1-KO and WT mouse using a quantitative proteomics. Proteins (FMRP, RS8, RL23A and MPZ) identified by MS/MS were also verified by Western blot. Among the identified proteins, most of the significant changed proteins were downregulated in the FMRP absence. The Gene Ontology and pathway analysis revealed that the changed proteins were clustered in polyribosome and RNA binding proteins in both cerebral cortex and hippocampus, but not the same in testis. Our results provide detailed insights to the ribosome protein profiles of cerebral cortex, hippocampus and testis in the absence of FMRP. Our studies also give a better understanding of protein profile changes and underling dysregulated pathways arising from the fmr1 silencing in the FXS.