Our laboratory has identified the Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) as a candidate oncogenic pathway involved in GBM oncogenicity. In order to study further the role of GHR in GBM, we have generated GHR overexpressing patient-derived cell lines (PDCL) from PDCL established by GlioTEx team (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle, Paris, France). An analysis of the global proteome of each variant was then undertaken. The wild-type (GHR WT) and constitutively activated (GHR CA) GHR expression vectors were generous gifts from Mike Waters and Peter Brooks (University of Queensland, Australia). The constitutively activated GHR vector was generated by fusing the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of rabbit GHR (to ensure the absence of human GH stimulation) to Jun zippers in order to achieve GH-independent forced dimerization in absence of the extracellular domain. The control GFP vector was obtained from Addgene . These vectors were then inserted in lentiviral vectors. Cells were transduced with multiplicity of infection of 20 and transduced cells were selected with puromycin.