Updated project metadata. The yeast protein PBP1 has been implicated in diverse pathways such as polyadenylation, translation, RNA-DNA hybrid formation, stress granule homeostasis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and TORC1 sequestration. Intriguingly, its deletion mitigates the toxicity of human neurodegeneration factors, but the molecular mechanisms of these effects are poorly understood. Here we performed label-free quantitative global proteomics to identify crucial downstream factors, comparing two PBP1 deletion strains (DB and SM) and two cell stress conditions (heat and NaN3). In all four analyses, downregulations of key bioenergetics enzymes (CIT1, SDH1, MLS1), cell wall mannoproteins (HSP150, PST1) and the prion protein RNQ1 as well as upregulations of the leucine biosynthesis enzyme LEU1 and the transcription factor TAF6 were documented. Consistently for both unstressed PBP1-deleted strains, over 2-fold dysregulations were documented for potential PBP1 interactors such as MKT1 or RPL39 and the stress granule component NRP1. Upregulation of the ribosomal biogenesis factor NOP10 was observed as in the mouse mutant. Consistently for both PBP1 deletion strains, heat stress triggered changes of the stress granule component GIS2 and several of its interactors.