G9a (EHMT2) and the G9a-like protein GLP (EHMT1) form a stable G9a/GLP heterodimer in embryonic stem cells and function cooperatively to establish and maintain the abundant repressive H3K9me2 modification, in addition to modifying several non-histone proteins. The G9a-dependent H3K9me2 is implicated in lineage-specific gene silencing and covers large chromosomal domains. While the mechanism of H3K9me2maintenance by G9a/GLP is known, how new patterns of this modification are established is not well understood. With this in mind, we used FLAG affinity purification of G9a under two different stringency conditions (150 and 300 mM NaCl) coupled with mass spectrometry to identify proteins stably associated with G9a/GLP, which could serve as potential recruiters of the complex to unmodified chromatin.