Updated project metadata. We have used dietary administration of stable isotope labelled lysine to assess protein turnover rates for proteins from four tissues in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus. The annotated genome for this species is not available, so protein identification was attained through cross-species matching to the mouse. For proteins for which confident identifications were derived, the pattern of lysine incorporation over 40d was used to define the rate of synthesis of individual proteins in the four tissues. The data were heavily filtered to retain a very high quality data-set of turnover rates for 1088 proteins. Comparative analysis of the four tissues revealed different median rates of degradation (kidney: 0.099 per day; liver 0.136 per day; heart, 0.054 per day and skeletal muscle, 0.035 per day). These data were compared with protein degradation rates from other studies on intact animals or from cells in culture.