Updated project metadata. As a direct consequence of the high diversity of the aggressive blood cancer acute myeloid leukemia (AML), proteomic samples from patients are strongly heterogeneous, rendering their accurate relative quantification challenging. In the present study, we investigated the benefits of using a super-SILAC mix of AML derived cell lines as internal standard for quantitative shotgun studies. The Molm-13, NB4, MV4-11, THP-1, and OCI-AML3 cell lines were selected for their complementarity with regard to clinical, cytogenetic and molecular risk factors used for prognostication of AML patients. The resulting internal standard presents a high coverage of the AML proteome compared to single cell lines allied with high technical reproducibility, thus enabling its use for AML patient comparison. This was confirmed by comparing the protein regulation between the five cell lines and applying the internal standard to patient material.