Here we report data of an analysis to monitor the age-related quantitative protein composition of the mitochondria of the fungal aging model Podospora anserina. The impact of senescence on mitochondrial protein composition was analyzed by LC-MS analysis. In an untargeted proteomic approach, we identified 795 proteins in samples from juvenile and senescent wild-type cultures and obtained quantitative information for 226 of these proteins by spectral counting. Despite the broad coverage of the proteome, no substantial changes linked to the aging process could be observed. LC-MS/MS-data were analyzed using the Sequest algorithm implemented in the Bioworks 3.3.1 software (Thermo scientific) for peptide identification versus a P. anserina protein database. As enzyme specificity Trypsin was selected. Two missed cleavages were permitted and the mass tolerance was set to 10 ppm. False discovery rates were estimated by the number of spectral matches to a decoy database. Acceptance criteria and filters were set to achieve a false positive rate of 5 %.